If you want to use a specific search engine, knowing how to change a browser’s default search engine is important in setting up your device.
In this post we will show examples of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari for iOS. For browsers like Safari on MacOS, Firefox and others, the process will be very similar.
Google Chrome
After installing Chrome to a device, Google will be its default search engine.
To change that, follow the steps below.
First click on the vertical three dots on the top right of the browser window.
Tap the settings option.
Type “Search Engine” in the search bar at the top or select it on the left side.

For more information about changing the default search engine on Chrome, check out the Google support page.
Microsoft Edge
Bing is the default search engine on the Microsoft Edge browser.
If you would like to change that, you must first find the settings. They can be accessed by clicking the horizontal three dots on the top right of the browser window.
You can either use the top left search bar, or click on the “Privacy, search, and services tab.”
Scroll down until you see “Address bar and search”

Once in this section of the settings, you can then select the desired search engine.

Safari on iOS
To change the search engine your iPhone or iPad Safari app searches with, go to the device’s settings app.
Next find Safari in the app list and then look for the Search tab. Select the “Search Engine” option.
Here Google is chosen by default, but this section allows you to choose the search engine you prefer.

Safari on MacOS and Mozilla Firefox
Check out the Apple support page or the Mozilla support page for instructions for those browsers.
If you have questions about how to change a browser’s default search engine or our services, just call or email. We’re happy to assist you! Feel free to use our contact form to send us a message. Thank you!