Have you ever accidentally deleted a file, only to realize that you need it back? Fortunately, many devices and apps offer built-in recovery options to recover deleted files like photos, emails, and documents.
In this blog post we’ll show you how to recover deleted items on common devices like iPhones, PCs, and Macs, and in apps like Gmail and iCloud Photos. We’ll explain how trash and recycle bins work and provide specific tips for recovering different types of data.
How does Deletion Work?
When you delete something from your computer or phone, it doesn’t disappear immediately. Typically, operating systems and apps move deleted items to a “trash” or “recycle bin,” where they stay temporarily. This period usually lasts 30 days, though some systems extend it to 90 days, and a few keep the files indefinitely. This setup gives you a chance to recover files before they are permanently erased.
Where Do Deleted Items Go?
On a PC they go to the Recycle Bin. On Mac, deleted items move to the Trash. For apps and services like Photos on iPhone or Gmail, deleted items are stored in a designated folder, usually called “Recently Deleted” for photos or “Trash” or folder for emails.
How to Recover Deleted Files on Windows
Here’s how to recover deleted files in the Windows Recycle Bin.
Open the Recycle Bin on your desktop. Right-click the file you want to recover. Select Restore, indicated by the red arrow; to return the file to its original location.
If you have emptied the Recycle Bin, or it is beyond 30 days, you may need data recovery tools to find any lost data, but there is no guarantee.

How to Recover Deleted Files on Mac
To recover deleted files on macOS that are in the Trash, follow these steps.
Open the Trash from the Dock (Yellow Arrow).
Find the file you want to restore, “Affinity Test Design” will be our example(Blue Arrow).
Right-click (or hold down Option while you click) on the file and select Put Back to restore it to its original location(Red Arrow).

If the file is not in the Trash or Recycling bin, then options become limited. Sometimes there is an external backup or cloud backup. Failing that, then data recovery can be tried if the files were important enough to warrant it.
A Brief Note on Backups
Remember, backups and cloud versions work differently. Backups create separate copies of your data at a specific point in time. In contrast, cloud services like Google Drive, iCloud, or OneDrive continuously update files, syncing changes across all your devices as you make them.
How Do I Recover Deleted Emails?
On both phones and computers, your email provider, such as Google or Outlook, manages deleted emails. Most providers store them in a trash folder for at least 30 days, giving you the opportunity to recover them before they are permanently erased.
Using Gmail as our example, the Trash folder is open on the right. A banner at the top, highlighted by the red arrow, states, “Messages in Trash for 30 days will automatically be deleted.” If no action is taken during this period, Gmail will permanently remove the emails.

Additionally, there’s a button in blue text that reads “Empty Trash Now” (outlined in red). Clicking this button will permanently delete the emails, making them non-recoverable. It’s a good idea to check the All Mail folder for archived emails before emptying the trash to ensure you’re not losing anything important. To restore an item, we click the box and right click to bring up the pop out menu. Then click “Move to Inbox” (outlined in red) to restore the item to your inbox.

By default, Gmail sends emails to an Archive instead of the Trash. This can be changed, but if you are Archiving emails rather than fully deleting them, they will remain in the All Mail folder forever.
How to Recover Deleted Photos on iPhone
Start by opening the Photos App. Scroll to Albums and find the Recently Deleted folder.
iPhone photos you delete move to the ‘Recently Deleted’ folder, where they stay for 30 days. Recently Deleted is found at the bottom of the Photos Gallery menu.
Per our example: the ‘Recently Deleted’,(up facing arrow), album is locked.
Locked Albums are denoted by a closed padlock; indicated by the right-facing arrow on “Hidden”

After you tap ‘Recently Deleted,’ you may need to enter a passcode or use biometrics; fingerprint, face lock or passcode, to unlock it. This action opens the Recently Deleted Items folder, where you can see some recently deleted screenshots of code from a past project.
Click Select, pick a photo you want restored then hit the three dots for “more options”(indicated by the up facing red arrow).

Tap the ‘Recover’ button to restore the photo to your gallery. It will return to its original date and time order; June 15, 2024, 11:24am, so you may need to scroll back to find it in the chronological list. You can also permanently delete photos from the Trash here by selecting “Delete”

Backup and Prevention
To avoid losing important files, make sure to regularly back up your device. Common backups can be done using iCloud, Google Drive, or an external hard drive.
If on MacOS: refer back to our prior post on backups here
You can also use apps with auto-save or cloud storage features, like Google Docs, OneDrive, or iCloud, to ensure your files are saved and accessible across devices, minimizing the risk of data loss.
Remember recovering deleted files is often easier than you think, especially if you act quickly. With proper backups and an understanding of how your device handles deleted items, you can recover a wide variety of files. Whether it’s photos, emails, or texts, knowing where to look and what to do can save you a lot of frustration.
Links To Support Pages:
iPhone Support Page for Deleted Photos
Microsoft Support on Outlook Retrieval
Please note that some of the images in this blog were created using generative AI
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