Here are SDM we follow websites and blog posts for much of our timely and relevant information. What are some SDM recommended resources?
GCF Learn Free
For free online tutorials, you can’t beat GCF as a place to start. This website is written in simple terms, with ample pictures and videos. Their range of topics is very broad, and they cover multiple versions of many of the most common programs.

- Link to GCF Learn Free
- also available in Spanish and Portuguese
How To Geek
Another resource that SDM recommends is How to Geek. They have a website and also publish an email newsletter. This is often our first indication of an upcoming topic. Whether the article is about a bug in a program, or reviewing a new device, this site is a great place to keep up on all things technology oriented.

MacWorld UK
For Apple devices, this publication is one of the best and most up to date sources of information. Whether you are looking to solve a problem, or to keep up on the new equipment, this is a great place to start!

No list of SDM recommended resources would be complete without Snopes. There is no better site for unbiased fact checking. Any time something looks suspicious or too good to be true, we hop over there to see what the truth is. Written in easy to understand language and kept very up to date. They are a nonprofit with no inherent bias, except for their love of the truth.
Pew Research
Up to date facts about all sorts of things, but we mostly are looking for the technology oriented information. Everything from who is using technology, to how people feel about it. They also have a great email newsletter that you can sign up for.
Senior Planet
Senior Planet is a nonprofit based mostly in the New York City area, with a similar mission to SDM. They are a great source of ideas about topics of interest to seniors. We also watch the programs they offer with an eye toward which might also work for us.

Reddit is a social media website/app that allows people to ask questions and talk about things. There are many groups in Reddit (called subreddits) where the conversation is about a specific topic. While this is a great source for getting real world answers from real people, you don’t know the skill level of the people answering and you should use their advice with some caution.